When you’re using Internet Explorer 6 (IE 6), you’re putting you and your clients’ security at risk.
There are two main problems with IE 6:
1) IE 6 not secure.
You may have heard that you can avoid viruses by not clicking on strange files or downloading strange programs. That’s true some of the time, but by using a browser like IE 6 you can contract a virus merely by visiting an infected web page. Hackers often infect otherwise reputable websites as a way to spread viruses. Once you get a virus, everything on your computer, from your credit card information to your clients’ confidential files, are at the mercy of hackers.
2) IE 6 doesn’t render web pages properly because many websites do not support it.
Youtube, Google, Amazon…the list goes on. Major companies are dropping support for IE 6 left and right. What this means is that if you visit a website that doesn’t support IE 6 and you’re using it, the website won’t function properly. It’ll be like viewing the world through broken glasses.
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